Neck stretches worth knowing

We all know how stressful life can be, so it’s little wonder that most of us end up struggling with neck pain and tightness in the neck which causes huge discomfort.

Neck stretches worth knowing


We all know by now how stressful our daily lives can be, so it’s little wonder that most of us end up struggling with neck pain and tightness in the neck. But we have some good news. You can easily perform a simple yet effective stretch at your own home to bring you some relief.

Step 1

While standing, put your left arm behind your back, your hand behind your waist. Grab your left hand with your other hand and gently pull your left arm to the right so your left shoulder pulls down and inwards. You will need to keep this position through to the end of step 4.

Step 2

From this position, keep looking forwards and tilt your head to the right. Keep this position for about thirty seconds to a minute. Relax while keeping the position described in step 1.

Step 3

Tilt your head to the right again but this time you will slightly look up. You will feel this stretching another part of the muscle in your neck. Once again, keep this position for thirty seconds to a minute. Relax, still pulling your left shoulder down as in step 1.

Step 4

You will tilt your head once more to the right but you will look down slightly, pulling yet another part of the same muscle. Keep this position for thirty seconds to a minute and then relax completely.

Be sure to repeat steps 1 – 4 on the other side, your right arm behind your back and tilting your head to the left. This stretch can be repeated in the morning and at night to relieve the tension in your neck, shoulders and back.


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