Janine Berry


Title: Physiotherapist with a special interest in Visceral Manipulation and Cranial-Sacral Therapy (CST).

Qualifications: B.Sc. PHYSIOTHERAPY –  University of the Witwatersrand.

In Practice: Since 1993

Janine qualified as a physiotherapist in 1993 from the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS). After spending a year working in the United Kingdom she returned home to Johannesburg and finally started practicing at Netcare Garden City Hospital in the February of 1996. Janine had worked there as a locum since the day after her graduation and always seemed to return. She loved the diversity of the patients and felt blessed to work with so many different cultures, not only from South Africa but Southern Africa as a whole.

Janine uses a variety of manual techniques when treating patients and completed her post-graduate diploma in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy in 2005.

She has since also trained in visceral manipulation (VM) through the Barral Institute, and taken many classes in their neural and articulate curriculum. When people talk about treating the body holistically, this work encompasses all aspects from the physical to emotional healing.



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